Pier 'F.lli Bandiera' -Trieste (Italy)


The project is based on an analysis that tries to characterize the inner and external infrastructures of the site, a pier in the port of Trieste. An analysis of the tracing and directions of the city of the Trieste compared to an analysis of the same the aim of giving rise to all an organic one, a plan that becames part in its atmosphere and context

I have tried to characterize, following the irregular conformation of the site, its lines of construction and their possible directions, from and towards the city studying this so interesting element, at the same time integrating part of the city and singular element so interesting to revitalize...
To place here a museum of science means to give to this element its own particularity, becames object of attention, curiosity and admiration.

This project is therefore an organization and an interaction of the various tracings
someones of them in his evolving gives place to architectonic elements: the museum, laboratories, library...
others remain lines, wefts, inner and external distances
but everyone acquires its function in relation to the others...
for giving life to an architectonic system, an only one completed sistematically organized plan.

So from the superposition of the different tracings born the the generatrices weft of the plan, irregular or not, becoming element of the project one, directions and functions, inner and external distances are melted in a only one project:

inside and outside
particular and general
becames parts of an only one system
the site generates the project and becames, same it, project !

So the visitator is free to choose, if follow the defined direction or interpret the project and to move from a place to an other, alternating inside and outside ( at every moment he is free to enter and to exit ) becoming it same integrating part of the project.

Every element of the project is connected to the others trough a system of horizontal distances with horizontal elevator in the mains directions .